What to Expect

Where We Meet

We are a grassroots church that currently meets in a home. That might seem a little strange, but we think the two go really well together and we'd love to have you join us! 

For address, please contact samh@logosdei.com

When We Start

Our Sunday morning gatherings officially start at 10:00 AM but at Logos Dei Church worship doesn’t begin with the downbeat to a song but rather worship starts with conversation. And that’s important, because this conversation is the heart of who we are. Our hope is that the music, the invocation, the prayers, and the sermon that follows will be a continuation of the conversation between us and with God.


When worship begins, families are encouraged to worship together then children are invited to Logos Dei Kids, a bible study time designed with kid's passions and interests in mind.


Latest Sermon


Jul 7

Next Upcoming Event

Feb 9